A.Svitojus: the aspirations of Polish and Lithuanian farmers coincide

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In Bialystok, the President of the Chamber of Agriculture, Dr. Arūnas Svitojus, met with the leaders of the Polish Chamber of Agriculture and farmers to discuss the protests by Polish farmers, the provocations, the actions of the police, and future plans. He also met with local authorities and attended a meeting of the Polish Breeding Committee.

„The Lithuanian Chamber of Agriculture has a consistent cooperation with the Polish Chamber of Agriculture. The Polish Chamber of Agriculture – is a large and influential self-governing organisation of farmers, active in every Polish province. There are 16 individual chambers in the voivodeships. The Lithuanian Chamber of Agriculture cooperates with both the central chambers and the chambers of each voivodeship: we participate in conferences, meetings, discussions, exhibitions, unite for joint projects, and sign memoranda that go to the EU authorities. We have many common issues with Polish farmers and rural actors, and we can learn a lot from each other on issues of cooperation, short food supply chain activities and cooperation between small and medium-sized farms.

In the week leading up to the Polish farmers' protest at the border crossing point between Kalvarija and Budisk, I had many conversations with representatives of the Polish Chamber of Agriculture and other organisations. As we have long-standing and reliable and responsible relations with the Polish Chamber of Agriculture and other Polish farmers' organisations, we were able to agree that the Polish farmers would not block the road, because if they had done so, it would have been a real catastrophe, not only for Lithuania but also for Latvia. When we met with the Polish farmers, we clearly declared that the bigger problem for both Poland, Lithuania and Latvia is rusting grain. Therefore, the parliament of each šal must take swift and effective measures to ban the import and transit of agricultural, food and parašal products from šRussia, Belarus and third šal countries. I have informed the Poles that the Lithuanian Chamber of Agriculture addressed the Lithuanian Seimas on 27 February to resolve this issue. In order to curb the actions of the aggressor country, we must maintain friendly relations with our neighbours.

We must behave with dignity, so that there is no strife between Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and so that we do not create inter-state tensions that could be exploited by the forces of the East. Together with Polish farmers, we have discussed the provocations that we must not succumb to, and we must remain vigilant against divisions and confrontations that create tensions between our countries. The Poles are well aware that Ukraine is in great need of help and support today, and on this issue there is unanimity of opinion among Polish and Lithuanian farmers. We also discussed on 12-13 February. I will remind you that one of the points in the communication is the ban on imports of food products into the EU from Russia. The communication was signed by representatives of the Polish, Latvian, Hungarian, Czech and Slovak Chambers of Agriculture. And the Polish Parliament adopted a resolution on 8 March calling on the EC to block imports of agricultural products from Russia and Belarus. So the Polish and Lithuanian ambitions are the same," said Dr. A. Svitojus, the President of the EAA, who has returned from Poland.

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