EU farmers must comply with all social support conditions
As part of the drive to develop socially responsible agriculture, from this year, farmers & employers across the European Union have to comply with social support conditions when claiming benefits. Failure to comply will result in sanctions, such as cuts in EU support. The Ministry of Agriculture has made available for public consultation a revised methodology for applying sanctions for non-compliance with support conditions.
EU social support conditions oblige farmer-employers to protect the safety and rights of those working in agriculture by ensuring that employment contracts are concluded and respected, that dangerous equipment and machinery are used safely, etc. The social assistance conditions for employers of farmers are not new requirements, as they are based on EU Directives, the provisions of which have been transposed into national law. This means that farmers should be aware of the applicable national legislation and ensure that their employees receive the social guarantees provided.
Under the EU's Common Agricultural Policy model, social conditions are part of the Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition (GAEC) and the Management Requirements and are compulsory for beneficiaries, i.e. linked to the receipt of direct payments and support for the rural development interventions of the Lithuanian Strategic Plan for Agriculture and Rural Development 2023– 2027. Claimants who violate workers' rights and safety will have their payments reduced by a calculated percentage.
The penalty scheme will apply to applications for support for agricultural and other areas and for livestock submitted in 2025 and onwards.
The Ministry of Agriculture has already held a number of consultations with the social partners in order to identify the fairest and most effective mechanism for compliance with the social support conditions and the application of sanctions. Taking into account their suggestions, a draft Methodology for the Application of Sanctions for Infringement of Support Conditions has been prepared and submitted for public consultation.
Comments and suggestions are invited by today. 16 January this year