Almost €50 000 fine for illegally felled trees

Asociatyvi nuotr. AAD nuotr.

In August, officials of the Environmental Protection Department recorded two cases of illegal tree removal on different private plots in Užnemunės Street, Kaunas. In one plot, the owner illegally cut down 95 protected trees, for which he will have to pay more than €48,000 in damages to the environment.  

On 19 August this year, on their way back from an inspection, the Department's officers noticed the removal of protected plantations on a private plot in Užnemunės Street, Kaunas. After contacting the Kaunas City Municipality administration, it turned out that no permit had been issued for the felling of the plantations.

Investigation confirmed that the owner of the plot had removed the protected plantations illegally, in violation of Article 13 of the Law on Green Spaces.

After measuring the diameter of the removed trees, the officials found that 95 protected plantations had been removed: 47 willows, 26 sycamores, 19 small-leaved limes and 3 birch trees.

The owner of the plot has been subject to administrative proceedings for the infringements found and is liable to a fine of between €240 and €900, as well as to environmental damages of €48,198.50.

On 7 August, on the same Užnemunės Street, but on a different private plot, a report was received about the destruction of vegetation and the environment. 

At the site indicated in the report, officials found that 3 protected plantations – willows, had been removed during construction works on the site without a permit issued by the municipality. For the other trees removed – 5 willow trees, the municipality had issued a permit for the removal. 

In addition, 7 willow trees and 1 maple tree were filled with soil during the construction works, thus damaging the vital functions of the trees. 

For the unlawful removal of the plantations, the person compensated the damage caused to the environment with €3,716 and was also fined an administrative penalty of €120.

Remember that you can check which plantations are considered to be protected by using the memo on the care and protection of plantations prepared by the Department's specialists – see here.

AAD inf.
