Protect your crops with Grainguard biostimulant. German quality for seed dressing (VIDEO)

In Lithuania, around 70% of winter wheat seed for autumn sowing is grown on own farms and only around a third of the seed is bought certified. This is quite a difference in the context of the European Union. Established practices in preparing own seed for sowing on farms allow farmers to make their own decisions on how to process that seed. Most farms in Lithuania, as well as in Germany, use beicus to protect themselves against fungicidal diseases. Fungicides not only kill the bad pathogens on the surface of the seed, but they also kill the entire microbiology of the seed, which is essential for a strong and resistant plant to diseases and pests.

Agrolapai suggests that farmers use the German manufacturer's „Seedforward“ product „Grainguard“ (contains no micro-organisms) in combination with a fungicidal fungicide. Farmers who choose not to use a seed treatment can only use a biostimulant. The advantage is that the seeds will also have a different colour after rolling.

The product „Grainguard“ is designed and adapted exclusively for cereal crops and for seed rolling only. The German company „Seedforward“ specialises in the production and development of seed coating products only.

This product – is a nutrient cocktail for your seeds. The product consists of macro and micro elements, humic, amino, organic acids, silicon, seaweed, stone flour and other active ingredients.

But the most important thing for a farmer is not the composition of the product, but whether the money invested will bring tangible benefits to his crops. The yield premium, after the seeds have been fertilised, ranges from 2 to 12%. The average yield premium from independent trials in Germany is around 4%. In Lithuania, experience after the first season shows that after the seeds have been covered with this biostimulant, the crop shows several days faster germination, larger roots, and a denser crop.

Grainguard works particularly well in poor seed germination conditions. We recommend that farmers consider this investment similar to crop insurance.

For more information, see here and here.

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