UK pork sector sees lowest pork exports for nine years

Asociatyvi nuotr.

The UK's pork exports in the first half of 2024 were the lowest for nine years as the pig sector faced some difficulties this year, new analysis shows.

In the first half of the year, UK pigmeat exports totalled 148,200t, down 2.4% on 2023 and the lowest since 2015.The AHDB analysis found that limited domestic supply has led to higher prices for the product compared with other global players such as Brazil and the US.

According to, consumers around the world are restraining their spending as living standards have risen. The analysis shows that affordability has been a key market driver in regions such as China.

But in June 2024, the UK exported just over 25,100 tonnes of pork, up almost 4% on June last year. The bulk of the volume was offal at 12,300 t, with fresh/frozen products at 10,100 t.

Two product categories, fresh/frozen meat and bacon, have seen a decrease in volume since the beginning of the year. Meat offal remained stable over the year and continues to hold the largest market share (47%). Meanwhile, processed pork and sausages increased slightly.

Similar to exports, UK pigmeat imports in June were up just over 4% year-on-year at 71,000 tonnes. Imports increased in all categories.

AHDB senior livestock analyst Freya Shuttleworth said: „Again, looking back to the start of the year (January to June), it is noticeable that the changes varied from month to month, with a decrease in volumes in March and May, and an increase in the other months.

Import volumes of processed pork and bacon decreased in the first half of 2024, by 3 100 t and 1 800 t respectively,
