K. Navickas: "Dairy farmers must get what they deserve - respect for their work and a fair income"

Kęstutis Navickas su ūkininku. ŽŪM nuotr.

In the run-up to World Milk Day and the European Parliament elections, the European Milk Council (EMC) organised a peaceful demonstration in Brussels to demand justice in the agricultural sector and a fair income for farmers. The event, attended by dairy farmers from all European countries, invited the Lithuanian Minister of Agriculture, Kestutis Navickas, to speak at the event.

EACP, which has represented the interests of European milk producers since 2006, brings together 21 milk producer organisations from 16 countries. The EWC works to ensure that milk production is viable and sustainable in every region of Europe and that the price paid for milk covers at least the cost of production.

During the protest, under the slogan "A fair income for farmers – NOW!“", the EPP called for concrete solutions to prevent food production from being a loss-making activity for farmers and to develop into a fair and profitable sector. It also stressed that the withdrawal of farmers from the agricultural sector must be stopped, as it threatens the EU's food security.  

According to Mr Navickas, the future of EU agriculture is a matter of great concern to us all. Lithuanian farmers face similar challenges to those of the EU as a whole: high production costs, volatility of prices paid for their produce, the challenges of climate change. Our dairy farms are also highly vulnerable due to a lack of co-operation.

Lithuania not only supports the European Commission's efforts to find solutions to improve the situation of farmers in the food supply chain, but is also looking for ways to help dairy farmers to strengthen their bargaining power, set up sectoral funds, etc.

Minister Navickas thanked farmers for their work, because it is thanks to them that we have butter, cheese, milk and many other products on our tables. Dairy farmers must get what they deserve – respect for their work and a fair income.

Žemės ūkio ministerija
