A giant carp has grown up in Švėkšno

Krapas milžinas. Šilutės naujienų nuotr.

After raising the baby, the couple respectfully picked him up and took him home for a photo shoot. The photos of the beautiful giant are likely to impress more than one person who sees them.

The dill that has sprung up in the garden was neither fertilised nor watered, but the seeds germinated spontaneously from last year's plants. It is true that dill is an unpretentious plant that does not need any special conditions, but it does not usually grow to this size. The plant derives its main strength from the soil, which is fed in autumn.

So how big is this impressive giant? The giant dill – at 2 metres and 4 centimetres tall, it will be mercilessly chopped up and used to ferment cucumbers…

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