How to wash the façade of the panelling

Asociatyvi nuotr.

Wood and plastic cladding for facade cladding has been in demand among private homeowners for decades. Vinyl siding manufacturers promise durability and the preservation of an attractive appearance. But this can only be achieved through regular maintenance and washing of the siding.

To prolong the life of vinyl siding and to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the house, the siding should be cleaned and washed at least once a year to remove dust, mould and dirt, and then treated with a protective treatment (e.g. to prevent dust from sticking to the surface).

Why facade cladding gets dirty

The house is close to a busy road, so dust and exhaust fumes are constantly deposited on the façade surface. Or the house is built in a very humid area.

Some of the walls of the house are on the north side or in the shadow of trees or other buildings. Over time, the lack of sunlight and ventilation causes mould to form on the walls and the siding to turn brown.

What to wash vinyl siding with

Let's start by finding out what not to use to clean plastic siding:

• Manufacturers strongly advise against washing them with products containing aggressive chemicals (chlorine, strong alkalis, acids). They erode the outer layer of the siding, making it porous and porous. Dust accumulates on the porous surface and over time bacteria start to breed. The lifetime of the siding is reduced.

• Do not use thinners and solvents to clean vinyl siding.

• The use of abrasive cleaners is not recommended as the hard particles can scratch the plastic siding and ultimately shorten the life of the siding.

• For the same reason, brushes with excessively hard surfaces, especially metal ones, should not be used.

How to wash vinyl siding

Simple and popular ways to wash and clean vinyl siding:

Water from a watering hose. If the homeowner regularly cleans and washes the façade, the cladding is not very dirty, in which case it is sufficient to wash the walls with plain water from a watering hose.

When washing the cladding, always direct the water flow from top to bottom, as washing from bottom to top can allow water to get behind the cladding through the gaps in the joints, which can lead to mould growth. Therefore, try not to direct the current into the joints to prevent water from entering.

Caution should be exercised when using high-pressure washers, as the strong water jet can deform plastic siding. First adjust the pressure in an inconspicuous place and then start washing.

Sponge, detergent, soap solution When the facade cladding is very dirty, water alone may not be enough and detergents may have to be used. Special detergents are commercially available for facade cladding. However, these can easily be replaced by whatever you have on hand, such as dishwashing detergent. Dilute it with warm water and use a sponge, rag or soft-bristled brush. Use them to thoroughly wash the walls of the panelling facade. Dishwashing detergent can be replaced by a mild solution of household soap.

Wash walls in small increments – area by area. Wet the dirty part of the wall, then rinse thoroughly with a soapy water solution, followed by a generous amount of water (no hose stream or high pressure). No traces of soap should be left on the surface of the panelling.

Before washing, cover any plants close to the façade to prevent the soap solution from damaging green spaces. Windows, doors, sockets, switches, light fittings, etc. also need to be protected from soap. Insulate all items that can be damaged by water with cling film.

Mould removal from panelling If mould has appeared on the surface of the panelling, it must be removed immediately. In this case, we recommend the following remedy: dissolve one glass each of washing powder, oxygen bleach and dishwashing liquid in a bucket of water. Apply this solution with a sponge to the dampened area of the wall containing the mould, rub and rinse.

Greenish mould stains can also be washed off with a copper sulphate solution. To do this, dissolve 100 g of copper sulphate in 250 ml of hot water and pour the resulting solution into a bucket of water. Dampen the walls with it, rub and rinse with plenty of water from the hose.

To prevent mould growth, treat the washed panelling with a vinegar-water solution (3 parts vinegar : 7 parts water).

Next step – apply a protective treatment to the siding to protect the finish from fading and high humidity.

