Roundup trial: insufficient evidence that glyphosate causes cancer
On Thursday, an Australian court dismissed a class action lawsuit against „Bayer“, finding that there was insufficient evidence that the glyphosate-containing herbicide „Roundup“ causes Hodgkin's lymphoma, a type of cancer.
„On the balance of probabilities, it has not been shown that the use of „Roundup“ has increased the risk of this disease“, – Judge Michael Lee stated during the trial.
This dismissed a lawsuit brought by more than 1,000 individuals against „Bayer“.
The case, brought by Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, alleged that „Roundup“ active ingredient glyphosate had caused cancer in over 800 citizens.
The herbicide „Roundup“, designed to kill weeds, has been used around the world for 50 years.
Interestingly, similar lawsuits against „Bayer“ are pending in the US and Canada, so a decision in Australia could have a decisive impact on the majority of cases.
Bayer „Bayer“ that „Roundup“ is safe. „Bayer“ has won the majority of lawsuits in the US related to glyphosate exposure, but has lost 6 of them.
Courts that have accepted the arguments of the company's opponents have awarded a total of more than €4 billion. As „Reuters“ pointed out, this has dashed the company's hopes of a speedy conclusion to the litigation.
 U.S. courts have yet to rule on the complaints of some 50,000 people, most of them from individuals who used Roundup outside work hours.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) have concluded that there is currently no justification for banning the substance. Glyphosate is allowed to be used until 2033