A calf with two heads is born in the USA. Farmers are glad he is still alive (VIDEO)

Last month, a two-headed calf was born on a farm in the southern US state of Louisiana. According to Erik and Dawn Breaux, owners of "Breaux Farms LLC", the veršelis is no different from any of his other relatives when it comes to the ears, but has two snouts, four eyes and two noses.

„They grow well“, – 8 days after the veršel was born, farmers said.

The veršeli has been given the name "Deux Face" to give it the French name "deux" reiškia "du". The probability of such a birth is 1 in 400 million.

"We know that the life of a še veršeel will be short and it will probably live only a few days"," says Dawn Breaux.

Most veršeles with polysphaly, that is, more than one head, are stillborn. Some live for hours or days. The oldest living double-headed veršelis has lived for 40 days.

After 8 days, Deux Face, under the care of several vets and Breaux, is making slow progress, according to the farm's "Facebook" account.

Veršel farmers do not sell the heifer and do not let in the media, which can cause stress for the heifer.
