Czech fruit and berry sector forecasts 70% lower harvest

Asociatyvi nuotr. Canva nuotr.

The Czech Central Institute for Agricultural Supervision and Testing has announced the consequences of the 2024 spring frost on the fruit sector.The Czech fruit harvest is estimated at 31 430 tonnes, 74% lower than last year's harvest.

Apple, the main fruit variety in the Czech Republic, is expected to yield around 23 437 tonnes, which is only 21% of the five-year average harvest.

Pears will yield 2 075 tonnes, 29% of the five-year average.

Plum yield – 3 177 tonnes, 37% of the five-year average.

The cherry harvest is particularly poor – it represents only 19% of the five-year average.

Apricot yields are around 46% of the five-year average.

Currants and gooseberries have been severely affected by the cold and are also forecast to have a very poor harvest this year.

The statistics reflect only part of the damage caused by spring frost. The quality of fruits is expected to be a major problem – more and more fruit deformations are already being observed. In addition, the gradual disappearance of frost-damaged fruit is still occurring in some areas, which is likely to result in even poorer final yields.

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