Polish farmers strike in the Parliament to demand the withdrawal of the Green Deal

Ūkininkų protestas Lenkijos seime. Grzegorz Braun nuotr.

Since Thursday, farmers in neighbouring Poland have already staged a silent strike in the Polish Parliament, where they have been granted access by MPs from opposition parties. The latter are facing heavy fines. 

Farmers have demanded a meeting with Prime Minister Donald Tusk‘and allšsomešsacrifice to the EU's demands for a green deal in Poland. For his part, Poland's Minister of Agriculture Czesław Siekierski‘considers the farmers' demands to be irrelevant and outdated.

The protest was attended by a total of 14 farmers from the newly established Orka union.

Farmers are reportedly losing patience after six months of strikes.

Polish media report that the 14 MPs who gave farmers access to parliament will each be fined 14,000 zlotys (around €3,250).

Farmers say that without the abolition of the EU's Green Deal, borders should be closed to imports of Ukrainian agricultural products.

„The door must be closed to the export of uncontrolled and untested goods. We are poisoning our citizens and we want our citizens to eat healthy food," retorted one protester.

Security personnel attempted to evict the farmers from the corridor they had blocked, but later abandoned their plans.

The farmers did manage to talk to Agriculture Minister Siekierski. The Minister himself assured that the protest was unjustified as a number of concessions had been made in the Green Deal. The politician stressed that the situation on the border with Ukraine had improved, as Polish grain exports had also increased and prices had started to rise slightly.
