"CLAAS participates in the development of a hydrogen engine
German public body „TÜV Rheinland AG“, which specialises in the development of engines and similar technologies, has invested €5.1 million in the development of a hydrogen engine technology, bringing in agricultural machinery manufacturer „Claas“.
„Hydrogen and biofuels allow for a smaller CO2 footprint. „Claas“ advocates the technology-neutral use of all climate-friendly technologies“, „Claas“ said in a statement, which also named the other consortium partners in the project, „MAHLE, DEUTZ, KIT, the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Purem, the Technical University of Braunschweig, Liebherr, Nagel, Umicore, NGK, and Castrol.
This project investigates the use of hydrogen engines in agriculture.„Hydrogen engines are suitable for use in construction and agricultural machinery due to their inherent properties. The project demonstrates and analyses off-road applications through vehicle concept studies and systemic fleet and infrastructure considerations, – the report said. Concepts for exhaust aftertreatment are also being developed and extensively tested in test areas.
Analysing the effect of hydrogen on materials, friction and wear characteristics when the engine is in operation, all the basic principles of extreme reliability are being developed.