A respectful farewell from the farmers to D. Sabulis as he makes his final journey
On Saturday, Dainius Sabulis, one of the most active farmers in the Kėdainiai region, who unexpectedly passed away last Sunday, will be given a final send-off. For several days, Dainius' closest friends and farmers who knew him were able to say goodbye to him at the hall of the Kėdainiai funeral services company „Gedulo sala“, and on Saturday farmers are organising a farewell event for Dainius.
Since the urn with Sabulis' ashes will be buried in Romainiai Cemetery in Kaunas, farmers are planning to line up tractors on the road from Kėdainiai to Kaunas and send off their colleague with loud signals.
This is a symbolic action, as D. Sabulis himself was a very active member of the farming community until his last day, starting with the bonfire action and ending with this year's farmers' march to Vilnius.
„He almost arrived in Vilnius by tractor because he had technical problems. As soon as he stopped, I had to help him to fix the machinery," recalled Mindaugas Maciulevičius, head of the Kaunas District Farmers' Union.
Many farmers' leaders are invited to join Dainius' farewell party. One of them, Erikas Bėrontas, President of the Lithuanian Agricultural Machinery Association, also invites to honour the memory of D. Sabulis.
„I invite everyone who can from Kėdainiai to Kaunas to pave the way with agricultural machinery and thus honour a great man, Dainius, who will remain in our hearts forever! All for one, one for all!“ – addressed the farmers E. Bėrontas.
At 12 o'clock the funeral procession will leave Kėdainiai towards Pelėdnagiai, then follow the A8 road through Vandžiogala and Eigirgala, before turning towards Kaunas via the A1 motorway at Sitkūnai.