A young farmer's story: the inquisition of NMA inspections (VIDEO)
Young farmer Ignas Saldis' account of his journey to establish a nut orchard and his relationship with the National Paying Agency (NPA)
should give pause to any young person who is planning to benefit from European Union support for setting up a farm.Speaking about the NMA inspections, the farmer named some horrifying things that have led to a pre-trial investigation by the FNTT, which is even under the supervision of the European Public Prosecutor's Office. How is it that a young farmer with a carpenter's trade has to prove that he has not infringed anything, that he was just trying to make a dream come true?
"First of all, there is a lack of competence (NMA). Maybe the willingness to have that competence to see things that are there. I hear from other farmers that they see things that are not there and they see things that are not there. Someone may see someone else's tractor, but forgets to take a photo and write in the conclusion that it is there," Saldys shared his insights.
He urges people not to trust telephone conversations with NMA officials. Everything must be recorded in writing and with a qualified signature.
Ignas Saldys says he thinks very highly of the Young Farmers' Settlement Facility, but gives the National Paying Agency a fat minus sign.
"I have a very negative view of the institution itself, which carries out the checks. But the measure is very good, stimulating regional recovery, encouraging young people to create and act"," says Mr Saldys, who also gives his insights on how it should be.
You can hear the farmer's story in this interview. And be sure to subscribe to this free „Agrobite play“ channel on „Youtube“ so you don't miss anything important.