How the NMA finished off a cooperative (VIDEO)

Many farmers talk about their extremely tense relationship with the National Paying Agency (NPA). This is confirmed by a number of court proceedings between farmers and the NMA.

Unannounced inspections, redundant questions from NMA staff, according to farmers, and the need for transparency in the institution. These are just a few examples of the š farmers' relations with the NMA.

Even leaders of farmers' organisations are afraid to raise issues with the NMA and what might be a hidden demand from the farmers.

„Agrobite play“ channel „visited „Balta Avis“ cooperative on „Balta Avis“, where the chairman of the board of directors, Gintautas Migonis, told his own story in an interview with „Agrobite play“. He also gave advice to young farmers who want to make agriculture their destiny. Is it worth applying to the NMA if you don't have the knowledge and skills to fill in the paperwork?

„We have to calculate very well all the time. (...) And if it was not a cooperative, but a personal farm of a small farmer, he would go bankrupt with his whole šeimynal business“, – „Agrobitei“ said G. Migonis.

Watch the full interview on „Agrobite play“ channel „Youtube“. Don't forget to subscribe to the free channel so you don't miss anything important.
