R. Karbauskis did not give up the helm of the Peasants for nothing. Business projects are stagnating

Asociatyvi nuotr. Agrokoncernas ir LVŽS nuotr.

It seems that Ramūnas Karbauskis' decision to give the post of chairman of the Lithuanian Peasants and Greens Union (LVŽS) to Aurelius Veryga was motivated not only by the party's declarable renewal, but also by a simple calculation.

Ramūnas Karbauskis, the long-time leader of the LVŽS, says that his decision not to seek another term as party chairman was influenced by business-related considerations.  

„As an entrepreneur, I have projects that are really big – both European and global big. I see what is happening with the „ecobureaucracy“ in Lithuania, what kind of corruption there is... We will have to, and already have to, deal with Lithuanian state-owned companies in the courts," Karbauskis told reporters in Palanga.

The head of the agricultural group „Agrokoncernas“ believes that his withdrawal from politics is important to dissociate the party from the planned court proceedings and accusations that these proceedings take advantage of the party leader's position.

„In our country, corruption and bureaucracy is quite big, I will have to go through many trials with state institutions“, – said Karbauskis.

„It is very difficult to tell the government what I think about them when I am a politician myself, and then I can be told that I am trying to use my position. As a businessman who has nothing to do with politics, I will be able to say what I want“, – he added.

"Agrobite" recalls that "Agrokoncernas" is implementing the „Future Farm“ project. The construction of the cow farm complex will involve an investment of more than €78 million. The total value of this project is estimated to exceed €83 million.
