"Danone's profits grow 2.3 times in 2024

Asociatyvi nuotr. Canva nuotr.

French food and beverage giant Danone SA has reported a net profit in 2024 of 2.3 times the 2023 figure of €2.02 billion.

Meanwhile, sales revenue fell 0.9% to €27.38 billion, a decline the company attributed to exchange rate changes, the exit from the Russian market and the sale of two US brands.

Meanwhile, comparable revenues increased by 4.3%. Reconcilable revenue in Europe grew by 2 per cent to €9.57 billion, in China, North Asia and Oceania by 5.7 per cent to €3.69 billion, in Latin America by 8.4 per cent to €3.03 billion, while in North America it declined by 4.5 per cent to €6.58 billion, and in the rest of the world it grew by 10.9 per cent to €4.51 billion.

Comparable sales revenues for dairy products and plant-based products decreased by 6% to €13.46 billion, speciality foods – increased by 5.1% to €8.94 billion, and drinking water – rose by 3.8% to €4.98 billion.

The company expects comparable revenues to increase by 3 to 5 percent this year.
