Copa-Cogeca addresses the EP on the future of agriculture
Copa – Cogeca writes to the European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development on the European Union's vision for the future of agriculture.
Copa and Cogeca, representing millions of farmers and agricultural cooperatives, call attention to this document and invite you to work together to achieve these goals. Copa-Cogeca notes that this vision can contribute to the European Commission's objectives of ensuring a competitive, resilient and sustainable Europe.
The paper points out that agriculture is an essential element of Europe's economy and culture, and that urgent solutions are needed to ensure balanced economic, environmental and social sustainability.
The article highlights the importance of securing food supplies, promoting innovation and fostering the vitality of rural communities in the context of a changing geopolitical context and growing global uncertainty.
Our vision goes beyond an action plan to address the challenges facing the agricultural sector. It is a forward-looking strategy to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of European agriculture beyond 2050.
Our proposals to achieve these objectives are as follows:
Reducing administrative burdens: Strengthening consistency and transparency in governance, making farmers and agricultural cooperatives key players in EU policy.
Increasing the CAP budget: introducing dedicated funds to meet additional sustainability requirements.
Strengthened CAP: :ensure the competitiveness of EU agriculture and improve the position of farmers in the food supply chain.
Strategic agricultural climate policy: balance sustainability objectives with food security and economic resilience, using existing legal instruments.
Utilising knowledge and technological innovation: Strengthening the opportunities offered by the vast knowledge and innovation base.
Promoting a vibrant rural economy: improving infrastructure, training, intergenerational renewal and empowering women in rural areas.
Fair trade policy: close potential loopholes in production standards, notably in the Mercosur agreement.