The farming community has already donated €65 000 to a dairy farm destroyed by fire
The farming community is more solid than ever. A little less than 4 days after the devastating fire at Ieva Staniene's dairy farm, farmers have already donated €65,000 to a designated account. A total of 250 people have made donations.
„Agrobitė“ reminds that a huge fire broke out on Friday evening in the village of Kalnėnai, in the district of Telšiai, in the municipality of Gadūnavas. Here, 7 fire-fighting and rescue crews were extinguishing a hangar where all farm machinery was packed. Most of it was burnt.
According to Zita Dargienė, the head of the Telšiai District Farmers' Union, Staniene's dairy farm was considered one of the most productive in Lithuania. Losses could be close to one million euros. „Angare had all the agricultural machinery – combine harvester, chopper, tractors. More than half of the machinery was completely burnt down," Z. Dargienė said on Saturday.
An appeal was soon made to the farming community to raise funds to at least partially cover the farm's losses. The property was not insured. Over 100 dairy cows remained on the farm.
Account for support: Ieva Stanienė KU Germanto lobis LT23 5011 3000 1007 3407 payment purpose "TO SUPPORT GAISRO'S LOSSES".