Business fishing in the Curonian Lagoon will be reduced by one third

Asociatyvi nuotr. AM nuotr.

A three-month call for operators to stop commercial fishing in inland waters has ended. Financial compensation was foreseen for the transfer of fishing quota rights. A total of €1.5 million has been allocated from the state budget for this support measure in 2024.

The Environmental Project Management Agency (EPA), which administers the support, received a total of 14 applications from fishermen who have given up commercial fishing. Of these, 8 will be awarded funding, for a total amount of €1.5 million. The remaining 6 applications have been placed on a reserve list. Funding decisions for these applications will be taken subject to the availability of additional funds.

It should be recalled that the payments are granted to operators who transfer their rights to inland fishing quotas to a body authorised by the Minister for the Environment and cease commercial fishing in inland waters. Applications were submitted by natural and legal persons engaged in inland commercial fishing and who held inland fishing quota entitlements at the time of the application. The payments are not granted to operators who are only entitled to fishing quotas in polders and/or only for specialised sturgeon fishing and who are entitled to fishing quotas at sea.

The main objective of the payments is to reduce artisanal fishing and its negative impact on the environment, while at the same time contributing to the development of a more environmentally and economically sustainable recreational fishery.

According to preliminary estimates by the Ministry of the Environment, a third of the companies in the Curonian Lagoon are planning to withdraw from the fishing business.

Aplinkos ministerija
