Extraordinary theft - a milk jug stolen

Rinkos aikštės nuotr.

An extraordinary theft in Kėdainiai district. A thief stole a milk jug. A few days after the theft, the owner of the stolen item publicly contacted the thief on Facebook and asked him to return the milk container after drinking it. However, the woman assured on Sunday that the thief's conscience has not yet been pricked – neither the bidet nor the milk is missing.

She approached the thief

„Dear thieves who took milk with a bidon from the milk collection point in Ažytėnai on the morning of 25 September, please return the container. Thank you," Kristina, a resident of Kraki district, said to the thief, thinking that his conscience might still be able to speak.

By the way, the woman approached the thief at the weekend, prompted by a friend, and not as soon as she noticed the theft.

She did not contact the police

The woman explained to reporters that she did not call the police because the value of the milk in the canister was so low.

The woman does not want to interfere with the work of the officers, but hopes that the thief will have a clear conscience and will bring the bottle and leave it at the milk collection point in Ažytėnai.

The worst thing is that now the woman is afraid to leave the milk at the milk point because the thief might try to steal the jug again. She cannot keep the bottle herself and wait for the milk to be collected because she has to rush to work.

Police are investigating another theft

The Kaunas District Chief Police Commissariat informed that the police have not received any reports about the theft.

Police informed that on the weekend they opened a pre-trial investigation into a theft committed in Pagiriiai town.

On Saturday, at around 11 a.m., the police said that the police had found the victim in the town of Pagiri. 30 minutes on 11.11.11, an electric water pump, two lawn mowers, two vibrating sanders and one disc sander were reported stolen from an outbuilding in the town of Pagiri, Šėta municipality.

The people who contacted the police reported damages of around €600. Police officers are investigating the incident and are looking for the long-handed people.

Rinkos aikštė
