Some farmers' representatives expect G. Nausėda to replace the Minister, others don't see the point

Arūnas Svitojus.

With President-elect Gitanas Nausėda hinting at plans to replace some ministers in the current government, it is likely that

„The farmers' position has not changed – just as there was no trust three years ago (in K. Navickas – BNS), so there is no trust today“, – he stated.

A. Svitojus said he believes that there must be very serious arguments to change the members of the government, who have little time left to serve. 

„We have to be reasonable – what will it bring, we have to think what will be the next result. We know that after October the whole government and the whole policy will change again," Svitojus told BNS on Monday.

„We know what the policy is, what the results are. And I think that if there is going to be a change, there have to be very serious arguments“, – he added.

No serious professional is likely to take on the leadership of the ministry knowing that he or she will leave the post in a few months, he said.

According to Mr Hofman, the LFA had not discussed any specific candidates for the ministerial post with Mr Nausėda, and the chairman of the Parliament's Economic Committee, Mr Starkevičius, would be the most realistic candidate to become Minister of Agriculture, and was considered by farmers to be one of the best of the former ministers.

„It was strange why Starkiewicz was not confirmed from the very beginning of the government. Perhaps this is the person we would probably see as the most realistic candidate for the post," said Mr Hofmanas.

He said that the Council had not yet considered or taken a formal decision to express support for Starkevičius or any other potential Minister of Agriculture.

A. Svitojaus said that the possible candidacy of K. Starkevičius is not being discussed: „No one is raising this issue, there is no one to support, there are ten names that could be mentioned.

K. Starkevičius said that it was too early to talk about replacing the minister, but added that he would agree to head the ministry again if there was a need to do so.   

„I know how to change the approach from green deal  to food security (food safety  BNS). Because this is a trend that will be on the European Union's agenda. I would change our policy on this issue, I would know how to move, I know the positions of our neighbours“, – BNS said K. Starkevičius. 

The change of ministers could also take place sooner than the government's return of powers to the president, he said.

„The earlier the change, the better results can be expected“, – he told BNS.  

G. Nausėda told a press conference on Monday that he had specific candidates for some ministers' seats, but did not disclose them yet.

Nausėda also said that he sees the sense in replacing some of the ministers after his inauguration in July, despite the upcoming end of the cabinet's work.

In April, the head of state publicly said he missed Navickas' leadership and promised to raise the question of the minister's suitability after his inauguration in July in case of electoral success.
