Dairy market: the GDT index is rising. Cheese prices have shown a stunning increase

Asociatyvi nuotr. Gedimino Stanišausko nuotr.

The Global Dairy Trade (GDT) index on the dairy trading platform rose by 1.8% in the last trading session, with Cheddar cheese prices showing the biggest increase, rising by as much as 8%.

The growth of the GDT index so far resembles a roller coaster ride, where the index rises one trading session and falls the next. This does not serve the stability of the dairy market. However, the uncertainty should come to an end. One way or another, the trend will be towards cheaper or more expensive dairy products. Only then will dairy market participants be able to predict short-term trends.

In the absence of such trends, dairy producers are left to farm in an uncertain future.

The GDT index rose to 1106 points in the last trading session. This is very similar to the situation in February last year, when the GDT index fluctuated between 1106 and 1112 points.

A slight decline followed, which quickly recovered to the current levels.

Interestingly, during the last trading session, Cheddar cheese prices, which rose by as much as 8 % in the last trading session, gained ground. All other dairy products rose between 0.4% and 2.4%, with the exception of lactose, which fell by 1.3%.

Dairy trading platform GDT is owned by New Zealand cooperative „Fonterra“. Trends in the Oceania zone will reach Europe in 1.5-2 months.
