Dairy prices collapse on the global market

GDT indekso reikšmės, fiksuojamos kiekvieną mėnesio dekadą.

Not so good news for dairy farmers came from the international dairy trading marketplace Global Dairy Trade" (GDT). The GDT index fell by as much as 6.9 per cent to 1,077 points in the last trading session.

There has not been such an impulsive fall in the index in a single trading session for two years (the last time was in May 2022).

This drop in the index practically "ate" the upward trend of the last three months. If the index reaches below 1055 points in the coming trading sessions, it will suggest that dairy prices will turn negative in the medium term.

All dairy products except lactose (+0.4%) fell during the last trading session.

Butter fell by as much as 10.2%, buttermilk by 10.4%, Cheddar cheese by 6.9% and butter flour by 5.1%. Skimmed milk flour (-6.1%) and wholemeal milk flour (-4.3%) also decreased in price.

GDT's trading platform is operated by the New Zealand cooperative „Fonterra“. Trends in the Oceania zone will reach Europe in about 1.5-2 months.
