Milk buyers cut prices even when there are no significant changes in global markets

Asociatyvi nuotr.

The index of the dairy platform "Global Dairy Trade" (GDT) fell by 0.5% to 1251 points in the last trading session. This is the second trading session in a row that the GDT index has declined (on 18 February the index declined by 0.6%). So far, the drop in the GDT index is not significant, so nothing critical has happened in the global market so far.

In the last trading session, the most significant declines were recorded for whole milk flour (-2.2%), butter meal (-1.8%) and, less significantly, buttermilk (-0.3%). Against this background, Cheddar cheese (+1.1%), butter (+2.7%) and skimmed milk flour (+0.6%) showed good results. Mozzarella cheeses were generally up (+7.9%). Lactose went up by as much as 14%).

Thus, overall, the last trading session of the GDT suggests that this global market is so far showing stability, with some products slightly lower, but the overall sentiment is not very bad. The GDT index is still at its highest level since July 2022.

The „Global Dairy Trade“ trading floor is owned by the New Zealand agricultural cooperative „Fonterra“. Trends in the Oceania area will reach Europe in about 1.5-2 months.

The European Commission has also already published data on the average farm-gate milk prices for February for all European Union countries. The report shows that in Lithuania, the farm-gate milk price fell to €54.28 per 100 kg in February. This puts Lithuania in 12th place, up from 8th place a month earlier. However, the farm gate price in Lithuania is slightly higher than the EU average (€53.54). Compared to January, the average farm-gate milk price in our country decreased by 0.61ct.
