8 smoking flavourings to be banned in food
The European Commission (EC) has not renewed the authorisation of eight flavoured smoking primary products SF-001, SF-002, SF-003, SF-004, SF-005, SF-006, SF-008 and SF-009, and has established the corresponding phase-out measures. The earliest period by which food manufacturers will be required to phase out the use of a particular group of smoking flavourings in food will be after two years, the latest after five years.
In the food manufacturing sector, these substances are mainly used in fish, meat, cheese and other products to impart the taste, smell and appearance of traditional smoking, known as "smoke". The decision to ban the use of these substances was taken following an assessment by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) that they may be harmful to the health of consumers.
On 31 July this year. On 31 July 31 July, the EC adopted decisions confirming that eight flavourings will be definitively banned from the EU market after the following transitional periods:
- Smoking flavourings SF-001, SF-002, SF-003, SF-004, SF-005, SF-006, SF-008 and SF-009 may be placed on the market until 1 July 2029;
- Food products containing flavoured smoking primary products SF-001, SF-002, SF-003, SF-004, SF-005, SF-006, SF-008 or SF-009 and complying with the provisions laid down for them in the Union list may continue to be placed on the market and remain on the market until the date of minimum durability or the date of the indication 'Suitable for use until ... (date)“ until the following dates:
1 July 2029 for food categories 1.7 (cheeses and cheese products), 8 (meat), 9.2 (processed fish and fishery products, including crustaceans and molluscs), 9.3 (fish roe) and their respective subcategories;
On 1 July 2026, all other categories of foodstuffs.