A village shouts on the phone: Lithuania, your village is dying (VIDEO)

Povilas Butėnas from the village of Raikėnai (Rokiškis district) is one of the tens of thousands of small farmers whose work is undervalued by buyers of raw milk and sellers of machinery and fertiliser. The lowest price for 365 days of work a year without holidays, markups that are around 30% higher than those offered to larger farms, this is the reality of Butėnas' life. Although it is Povilas and his wife who are the people who in reality embody the vibrant village whose declaration is still on the lips of politicians.

And the village of Raikėnai, like thousands of other villages, has been disappearing over the years. They are left with only isolated inhabitants and small family farms, who, unlike the village latrines, do not benefit from benefits, working for decades just to earn at least a pension.

After the „Agrobite play“ channel's „Ministry of Affairs“ programme, episode three focused on milk prices, Povilas didn't hesitate to pick up the phone and pour out all the pain he had been accumulating.

Listening to him, it seemed to be the cry of a dying village, about which the agitation posters at the protests had repeatedly written „Lithuania, your village is dying“.

We spoke to Povilas Butėnas and offer you to watch this interview.

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