Representatives of the three countries to hold talks in Vilnius on importing Ukrainian cereals into the EU

Asociatyvi nuotr.

On Friday, the Seimas will host a meeting of representatives of the Economic and Rural Affairs Committees of Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine and representatives of farmers' organisations, which will focus on the problems of grain and Ukraine's imports to the European Union (EU).

The meeting is aimed at resolving political disagreements over the trade in Ukrainian grain, the chairman of the Committee on Rural Affairs, Viktoras Pranckietis, told BNS. 

„The main issue on the political agenda is to resolve trade between &scaron&scaron&s, in particular between Poland and Ukraine, in a civilised way. And the EU's common approach to Ukrainian products – how they will have to be integrated into the EU“, – said Mr Pranckietis.   

The Parliament has asked the European Commission (EC) to ban the import of cereals originating in Russia and Belarus into the EU. 

Parliamentarians want the EC to analyse the possibility of banning imports of food products originating in Russia and Belarus into the EU, and to use products from Ukrainian agricultural operators if necessary to regulate the flow of agricultural production.  

The EC proposes to consider the possibility of applying a system of intervention buying for the purchase of surplus cereals in Ukraine in case of unfavourable market prices, thus supporting the price of cereals. 

The EC proposed in March to impose maximum import tariffs on Russian and Belarusian cereals, oilseeds and their products, including wheat, maize and sunflower meal.  
