Retail sales grew by 4% this year, while restaurant turnover fell by 7%.
Retail sales grew by 4.3% in the first 11 months of this year compared to the same period in 2023, reaching €17.6 billion.
The turnover of restaurants, cafes and other catering establishments fell by 6.7% in January-November to €1.45 billion, the State Data Agency said on Friday.
In November alone, compared to November last year, turnover of retail businesses grew by 7.2% to €1.657 billion and by 0.6% compared to October, while that of restaurants, cafes and other catering establishments fell by 4.7% and by 0.3% respectively to €121.6 million. 
The turnover of food and non-food businesses grew by 4.1% and 5% respectively this year, In November alone, compared to November last year, their turnover grew by 5.9% (up 0.1% month-on-month), 10% (up 1.6%) and 3.6% (down 1%), respectively.
Figures are shown net of the impact of the number of working days and in constant prices.