State to compensate for losses caused by the outbreak of avian influenza in Šilutė

Asociatyvi nuotr.

After the first outbreak of avian influenza was recorded at the Vilkyčiai poultry farm in Šilutė, the Ministry of Agriculture (MAA) reminds that livestock owners who take proper precautionary measures are compensated for up to 100 % of the losses caused by the virus.

The Ministry informs that compensation is only granted for farm animals that have died, been slaughtered or killed during the eradication of an outbreak of a contagious animal disease and that have been registered in the Register of Livestock.

Owners of farm animals who are engaged in primary agricultural production and who have informed the State Food and Veterinary Office (SVO) of the outbreak of the disease are entitled to compensation. Losses are not compensated to enterprises in difficulty, unless it can be proven that the difficulty is due to a contagious animal disease.

In the event of the eradication of an outbreak of an animal contagious disease, the average market value in the month preceding the outbreak of the contagious disease shall be used to compensate for any losses for the destruction of livestock.

All losses shall also be compensated for: the destruction of animal products (meat, milk, eggs), the destruction of feedingstuffs, feedingstuffs, feed materials, the cleaning, disinfestation, disinsection and disinfection of holdings and equipment, the killing of farm animals, the transport of contaminated feedingstuffs to the place of destruction and the destruction of such feedingstuffs and the transport of dead or slaughtered farm animals or their parts to the place of burial or destruction, and the destruction of dead or killed farm animals.

The list of infectious animal diseases for which full compensation is payable includes: rinderpest, sheep and goat plague, swine vesicular disease, bluetongue, Teschen disease, sheep or goat pox, Rift Valley fever, scaly disease, African horse sickness, vesicular stomatitis, Venezuelan equine viral encephalomyelitis, haemorrhagic deer disease, classical swine fever, African swine fever, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, avian influenza, Newcastle disease, and foot and mouth disease.

According to the Authority, protection and surveillance zones have been established around the infected farm and the movement of live birds and their products within a 10 km radius of the farm is forbidden without a separate permit from the Klaipėda District of the VMVT. VMVT inspectors will visit the farms in the restricted zones to inform the farm owners about the restrictions, assess the health status of the birds, and carry out an inventory of the birds kept there.

Over 246 000 laying hens were kept on the farm,

These restrictions will apply for at least 30 days after the initial disinfection. Whether to extend this period will be decided following an assessment of the epidemiological situation.
