If the farm is squeezed by creditors? There is always a way out (VIDEO)

Raudona saulė, the company that manages the "AGRO GAP" brand, presented a truly unique service to farmers during the "What you will sow..." exhibition. If a farm is facing serious financial difficulties, or even the threat of seizure by bailiffs, or if assets have already been seized, this does not mean that the farm is doomed.

It is not difficult to find a way out, you just need to look more closely at what tools are available on the market to avoid closure.

"If you have your own machinery or equipment, we could buy it from you," says Justinas Bertašius, director of "Red Sun". We would transfer the money to you immediately and, to make you feel safe, we would sign a buy-back contract for the machinery or equipment. After a certain period of time, this contract would allow you to pay off the equipment."

In other words, the farmer will continue to use the agricultural machinery he owns and the work on the farm will not stop.

To see how this AGRO GAP tool works, why it is so simple with no strings attached, and what is important to know, watch this "Agrobite play" video.
