Border checks. What message are the Poles sending? (VIDEO)

On Friday, Polish farmers launched a week-long protest at the Kalvaria-Budzisk crossing point on the Lithuanian-Polish border.

Along with officials, they are stopping trucks possibly bringing Ukrainian grain into Poland.

According to the farmers, negotiations with Prime Minister Donald Tusk until Thursday evening did not produce concrete results, so they decided to continue blocking border crossings with Ukraine and also started checking trucks at the Lithuanian border.

„We will be on duty here for 7 days and we will exchange with each other every 12 hours“, – said the coordinator of the action Karol Pieczynski‘s.

Polanders say they have unofficial information that when grain is transported fromš Ukraine to Lithuania, with the final destination being the Baltic šalys, the trucks turn around and return to Poland already as EU agricultural products.

See the situation at the Kalvarija-Budzisk crossing point in „Agrobite play“. And don't forget to subscribe to the free „Agrobitė play“ channel on „Youtube“ so you don't miss anything important. 
