Half of the country's population sees no change, one-third see their financial situation worsening
By the end of 2024, around 10% of Lithuanians say their family's financial situation has improved recently, while 51% see no change. In turn, 36% of the population believe that their family's financial situation is getting worse.
This is according to the latest public opinion survey commissioned by Elta.
The survey, which was conducted between 30 October and 12 November, asked respondents to assess their family's financial situation.
The results show that women, young people, those living in smaller towns, those with higher education or those earning the highest incomes were more likely to have a positive view of their family's financial situation.
While the survey found that the financial situation of the family had worsened recently, respondents aged over 50, those with secondary education or less and the lowest family income, pensioners, farmers and the unemployed were more likely to say that their family's financial situation had worsened recently.
The survey showed that people who described their family's financial situation as improving are also much more positive about Lithuania's economic situation – 71% of them think that the economic situation in the country has improved in the last 2 months, while only 6% of them say it has worsened.
The survey shows that 69% of people who rate their family situation as stable also rate the economic situation as stable. Only 6% thought the economic situation was getting worse.
At the same time, 79% of those who say their family's financial situation has worsened see this as the case across the country. Among those who thought their financial situation had worsened, only 2% thought the economic situation in Lithuania was improving.
Compared to November 2022, those who thought their family's financial situation had worsened in the last few months fell by 30 percentage points, from 66% to 36%. And those who thought their family's financial situation had worsened in the last 12 months fell by 12 percentage points.
As with the economic situation in Lithuania, the most optimistic assessments of the family's financial situation were 5 years ago, in December 2019.
Population's current assessments are the same as they were 10 years ago in November 2014, when 11% of respondents rated their family's financial situation as having improved, 50% as unchanged and 38% as having deteriorated at that time.
The survey took place on 30 October – 12 November 2024. The survey was carried out by personal interview with 1019 respondents (aged 18 years and over) at 111 sampling points. The composition of the respondents corresponds to the composition of the Lithuanian population aged 18 years and over in terms of gender, age, nationality, type of settlement.
The opinion of the people surveyed reflects the opinion of the Lithuanian population aged 18 and over. The margin of error of the survey results is up to 3.1%.