Madrid paralysis. Farmers clash with police in Spain (VIDEO)

On 21 February, dozens of tractors rolled into Madrid as Spanish farmers protested against unfair competition. Spaniards are demanding fair prices for their products and fair competition with non-EU imports.

The protest was organised by the Spanish Trade Union Confederation Syndicate.

„We have to protest in Madrid because everyone is there. We have to šdisrupt the situation a little bit“, – said farmer Jose Angel Lopez, who comes from š Puncorbo, more than 300 km šnorth of Madrid.

Spanish farmers and livestock farmers have been protesting since 1 February, demanding that prices for their products cover the cost of production and that imports from outside the EU be subject to the same rules as their own, union spokesman Luis Cortes told public broadcaster TVE.

The measures announced last week by Spain's leftist government are not enough to tackle the problems, he said.

Farmers also clashed with police during the protests.

In recent weeks, the European Commission has made several concessions after farmers across Europe blamed the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the EU's forthcoming "Green Deal" for their problems.

For a selection of the best images from the "Facebook", "X" and "Telegram" social networks "Facebook" and "Telegram" of the š š š š protests, watch the š š š š š š š š š Agrobite play" videoš.
