Report on the Strategic Plan for Agriculture published
The Strategic Dialogue report, which runs to over 100 pages, is published in the foreign press. The report was drafted by delegates from 29 different organisations. From Copa – Cogeca, the working group was chaired by Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson and Copa President Christiane Lambert.
September 4, 2024. Professor Strohschneider presented the conclusions of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture to Ursula von der Leyen. The conclusions are available here
This report, which also contains concrete recommendations, is a first step towards developing a vision for agriculture and food.
Ursula von der Leyen, in her September 2023 State of the EU address, presented the Strategic Dialogue on Agriculture as a response to the shortcomings of the "top-down" strategy of the "Farm to Table" strategy. This initiative aims to reintroduce genuine dialogue back into the decision-making process. Under the leadership of Professor Strohschneider, the debate has focused on key issues, avoiding political posturing and polarisation.
The result of seven months of intensive negotiations – a document that addresses all key aspects of the agriculture and food sectors.
Copa and Cogeca particularly welcome the agreement on the recognition of agriculture and food as strategic sectors for Europe, emphasising the need to secure food supply and the commitment to competitive sustainability.
The Strategic Dialogue also stresses the importance of a coherent trade policy, calling on the Commission to raise the profile of agriculture and food in trade negotiations, in particular in the ongoing discussions on the EU-Mercosur agreement.
The report makes a number of important recommendations aimed at empowering farmers along the value chain, including actions to reduce below-cost sales, increase transparency, reduce unfair trade practices and promote the cooperative model.
Cogeca President Lennart Nilsson stressed: "I am particularly pleased that the Strategic Dialogue recognises the importance of our cooperative enterprises in strengthening farmers in the value chain and enhancing the sustainable competitiveness of the sector."
Copa and Cogeca also highlight the report's recommendations on land management, rural regeneration, intergenerational renewal, the bio-economy, water management, risk management and access to innovation.
Copa President Christiane Lambert stressed: "This report should be seen as the start of a constructive process towards a more balanced and strategic vision for agriculture under the leadership of Ursula von der Leyen. We need to involve the European Parliament and the Council in the dialogue. Stakeholders will share their views on this report in the near future and the Commission must listen to them.
Copa and Cogeca draw attention to the proposal to create a European Board for Agriculture and Food (EBAF), which would provide a high-level forum for regular and in-depth discussions between the main players at European level. Greater transparency in the process is essential, including wider participation of farmers and agricultural cooperatives.
On 4 September 2024, the final report of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture was received by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, and is available here
Today, however, the farming community is facing many challenges such as unfair competition, limited incomes, rising energy costs, generational renewal and climate change. These challenges will be exacerbated if a pragmatic and impact-oriented approach and policy-making are not adopted. The need for urgent and coherent action is clear, and we must remain vigilant on a number of issues, particularly in the area of livestock, which remains important for rural areas, and on sustainable diets, which should be in line with FAO guidelines.