African swine fever invades a farm in Lazdijai district

VMVT nuotr.

The State Food and Veterinary Service informs that African swine fever (ASF) has been detected in a small pig farm in the village of Vidzgaili, Lazdijai district. This is the seventh outbreak of ASF on a farm in Lithuania this year. A surveillance zone has been established around the outbreak, including a large pig complex, which will not be spared losses due to the strict restrictions.

The diagnosis of ASF was confirmed by tests carried out by the National Institute for Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment on 30 September. The pig keeper reported the dead animal to the veterinarian who took suspect samples. The holding contained a total of three pigs which were not registered.

The pig farm infected with ASF virus is located about 3 km from the border with the municipality of Kalvarija, where ASF was detected in summer in the Sūsninki forest in the territory of the municipality in which the ASF virus was detected in wild boars and their carcasses. 

After the confirmation of ASF, all pigs kept on the farm were killed and the farm was subjected to primary disinfection. To prevent the spread of the virus, a 3 km protection zone and a 10 km surveillance zone have been established around the ASF outbreak. Pig holdings are currently being inspected and restrictions imposed. Most of the farms in the protection zone are small and self-sufficient, but there is also a pig breeding complex with over 2 000 pigs. This complex is also subject to restrictions on the movement and trade of pigs and export bans. Any losses incurred by a commercial holding in the ASF protection and surveillance zone, although not infected, will have to be compensated by the State. 

The FVO warns that due to the presence of ASF in parts of the country where the virus has been detected, the European Commission may soon approve the most restricted zone III (where ASF has been detected in both domestic pigs and wild boar and where the epizootic situation is constantly changing). This area will cover an area of more than 10 km radius around the most recent identified outbreak on a pig holding, and restrictions can be maintained for a year or more.

With the entry into force of Zone III, the movement of live pigs within the territory will only be allowed within the borders of Lithuania and only from farms that have fully implemented biosecurity requirements. Trade in pig meat and pig meat products is limited to the local market. Products will have to bear a special health mark. Exports of live pigs, pigmeat and pigmeat products to the EU and third countries are prohibited. In this area, the VMVT will carry out reinforced biosecurity controls on pig holdings.

Biosecurity – essential to protect against ASF infection 

Pig farmers are reminded by the VMVT to comply with the biosecurity requirements – to change clothes and footwear before entering the pig housing premises, not to feed pigs with food waste, to disinfect entrances and exits of the farm, and to prevent unauthorised persons from entering the pig housing premises. ]

