Third African swine fever outbreak this year detected on a farm in Klaipėda district

Asociatyvi nuotr.

A third outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) was confirmed on Wednesday, according to the State Food and Veterinary Service (SVVT).

An outbreak of ASF was detected on Wednesday on a farm with five pigs in Klaipėda district, Priekule municipality, according to the State Veterinary Service.

„The farmer appears to have been negligent in terms of biosecurity requirements. Initial reports indicate that he fed his pigs with fresh grass, food waste and potatoes, even though nearby potatoes had been dug up by wild boars. This could have been a potential source of contamination," Paul Busauskas, deputy director of the VMVT, was quoted as saying in a statement released by the VMVT.

The Authority said that in order to protect the surrounding farms and to clarify the routes of spread of the disease, protection and surveillance zones have been established and an epizootic investigation team has been set up.

The HSE recommends that pig farmers comply with biosecurity requirements, closely monitor their herds for high temperatures, loss of appetite and sudden death, and immediately report all suspected cases to the veterinary services. 

Last year, ASF was detected in 3 pig farms. Outbreaks were recorded in Marijampolė, Vilkaviškis and Kalvarija districts. According to the Authority, the virus is annually more active in summer.
