Police take a man to hospital after he injured his finger in the garden (VIDEO)

Police help citizens in distress. In Ignalina district, a man severely injured his finger while working in his garden. In a state of shock, he grabbed his phone and ran towards the main road, hoping for help.

He spotted a police team carrying out a preventive measure nearby. Specialists Eividas Nikitinas and Mindaugas Buivydas from the Road Police Division of the Head Police Commissariat of the Utena District immediately responded to the man's request for help.

They put the injured man in a service car and quickly took him to Visaginas Hospital.After an initial examination, the man decided to go to Utena Hospital.

While being transported to Utena by his relatives, he again noticed the same police car in Visaginas and stopped the crew.

The man explained the situation and officers quickly took the injured man to Utena Hospital with beacons and sound signals. However, after the medical examination, police officers immediately transported the man from Utena to Vilnius and handed him over to the Lazdynai Hospital.
