Brazil is facing its worst drought in decades

Asociatyvi nuotr. Canva nuotr.

Brazil is experiencing its worst drought in decades. More than a third of the country's territory is now affected, covering an area of more than 3 million square kilometres, news portal G1 reported, citing data from the National Observatory of Natural Disasters (Cemaden). This is the worst drought in the country since systematic measurements began in 1950.

„Since the beginning of the observations, we have never recorded such an intense drought and over such a large area, – said scientist Ana Paula Cunha. In the past, drought cycles were limited to single regions, but now it is a general phenomenon. It's a major problem facing the country.

In the north of the country, several towns have been cut off from the outside world because low water levels in the rivers prevent navigation. In addition, hydroelectric power generation is under threat. Fires are blazing in several regions, causing people to complain of respiratory problems.

The severe drought is caused by a combination of factors, according to scientists: the meteorological phenomenon El Ni in Brazil is causing temperatures to rise and precipitation to decrease, particularly in the north. Atmospheric blocks formed by stationary areas of high pressure are preventing the passage of cold fronts that could bring rain. The warming of the northern tropical Atlantic is prolonging the dry season.
